Title: I really don't have one Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Sam/Dean Rating: oh, very definitely NC-17. Words: 453. Summary: How do you summarize a PWP?
Title: Taking Advantage Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Sam/Dean Rating: PG Words: 170 Summary: "Dean, this is ridiculous. It's a scratch on the bumper. It's not the end of the world."
Title: Somewhere Between The Lines Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Dean/Castiel Words: 1300?!?! Holy shit! I uh. Don’t know how that happened. Rating: ... NC-17 Spoilers: YES. For 5.04. Summary: Castiel really does like Past!Dean better.
Title: Never Meant To Be Like This Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Sam/Dean Spoilers: 5.02 Word Count: 1948 Rating: NC-17, baby! That's right! I finally did it! Summary: "It's not healthy." A reconnecting through voicemails.
Title: The Drinking Bone's Connected To... That Angel Thing Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Chuck/Raphael Rating: PG Words: 355 Summary: Previously, on The Adventures of Chuck and Raphael... Like Peter Pan! NOW: In which Raphael discovers fanfiction.( Read more... )